
Longevity Diet in Pregnancy

  1. In pregnancy it is important to pay particular attention to nutrition, not only for the baby in the womb, but also for his or her future health as an adult.
  2. It is a myth that pregnant women should “eat for two”. Use the following table to calculate the correct weight gain according to BMI:a. Underweight women (BMI less than 18.5): weight increase of 12.5-18 kg;
    b. Women of normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9): weight increase of 11.5-16 kg;
    c. Overweight women (BMI greater than 25) or obese (BMI above 30): before getting pregnant begin a personalized diet to lose weight.
  3. Take precaution to avoid infections and avoid large fish that may contain mercury.
  4. Do not eat raw meat, eggs or fish (even if packaged), unpasteurized milk and products—including soft cheeses like brie, Roquefort, gorgonzola, pâté, soft goat, sheep or cow’s cheese, butter, cremes, ice cream, pre-packaged salads, sandwiches and street food such as hotdogs, or other pre-pared foods. Tofu, aged cheese like cheddar, Edam, Swiss, Gruyere, and parmesan, mozzarella, feta, ricotta and spreadable cheeses are all safe choices.
  5. Avoid high and long cooking temperatures, fried foods, and grilled meats.
  6. Wash your hands frequently and carefully wash vegetables (best with a disinfectant), while avoiding salad and other raw vegetables.
  7. Keep cooked and raw foods separate.
  8. Fish that has been frozen rapidly (and at least for 4 days), smoked foods, and raw, salt-preserved fish eliminate the risk of infection, and thus can been eaten, even if smoked products are best avoided.
  9. Include in your diet 2 times a week “oily” or “high-fat” fish like salmon, trout or herring.
  10. Vary your diet as much as possible, with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and if necessary, take a daily vitamin that contains folic acid (at least 400 mcg a day).
  11. In case of vomiting or constipation, modify your diet and eating habits.
  12. Vegans and vegetarians should consume vitamin B12, iron, folic acid, omega 3, vitamin D and calcium, in addition to following the general dietary recommendations. Consult a nutritionist periodically.
  13. Limit foods containing caffeine, salt, sugar, soy, eggs and saturated and trans. fats.
  14. Avoid alcohol and do not smoke.
  15. Maintain a good level of physical activity.